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Phansible provides an easy-to-use interface that helps you generate Ansible provisionings for PHP-based projects.

Usage Instructions

Phansible helps you bootstrap a Vagrant project using Ansible as provisioner.

If you are new to Vagrant, have a look at our Vagrant Crash Course to get an overview and basic usage instructions. If you are new to Ansible, have a look at their excellent documentation: Ansible Docs.


In order to run a Phansible bundle, you'll need the following software:

Windows Compatibility: Ansible cannot be installed on Windows machines for now, but we got you covered: Phansible implements a workaround that runs the provisioning inside the Guest machine, with a local SSH connection. This is enabled by default, but you can also disable Windows compatibility in the "Advanced Options" of the VM settings, when creating your bundle.

NFS on Linux: Phansible bundles use NFS synced folders by default, for better performance - if your Host OS is Linux, you'll need to install nfsd.

Creating your bundle

Choose the options you want for your Vagrant setup. The defaults will set up a Nginx+PHP5-fpm server, running PHP 5.6 in a Ubuntu 14.04 server.

Running the downloaded bundle

Extract the contents of the zip file into a directory. Go to the directory and run:

$ vagrant up

This will initialize the machine and run the Ansible provisioning.

Customizing your bundle

Check our doc page Customizing your bundle for detailed instructions on how to add tasks and roles to your downloaded bundle.